• Poor soil fertility and quality, less than 0.5% organic content.
• No supplemental watering.
• Livestock present on site.
• Prevention of erosion on tower footings imperative.
• Extremely sandy soils.
Previous attempts at erosion control and vegetation establishment had failed on tower footings at the Baffin Windfarm south of the city of Sarita in Kenedy County Texas. Hot, dry conditions, low soil fertility, and additional issue of the wind farm being an active cattle ranch combined to make clear why previous attempts at revegetation had been unsuccessful. Due to entanglement risk, the property owner also dictated no erosion control blankets with netting could be used – all erosion control must be hydraulically applied. A special blend of of seed was required due to grazing activity.
Dustin Shafer with Diamond M Contracting and Joel Denofrio with Innovative Soil Solutions decided that a combination of Biotic Earth Biotic Soil Amendment for much needed soil improvement and Flexterra for hydraulic erosion control would be best for the site.
*Biotic Earth: applied at 3,500 lbs./AC
*Flexterra Flexible Growth Medium applied at 4,500 lbs/ AC
*Specialty Seed Mix of over 11 species, including: Carrizo Little Bluestem, Nieces Sand Dropseed, Dilley Slender Grama, Alkali Sacaton, and Atascosa Texas.

Quality vegetation and a minimization of soil loss due to erosion was achieved in the months following application. Vegetation densities continue to improve, even with the onset of extreme summer temperatures. The client is pleased with initial results and excited to see continued improvements in successive seasons.